29 jun 2011

Winter Look

Que tal fashionistas?! Durante los próximos días, les estaré mostrando imágenes/ideas para que creen looks invernales cómodos, a la moda y con un estilo más atrevido.
El look (espero que les guste)
1. Poncho
2. Maxi-Top o Blusa larga
3. Jeans
4. Biker Boots

Hice este post ya que una amiga me pidió (más que nada me sugirió) que pusiera más posts actuales, ya que acá acaba de empezar el invierno. Así que porfavor, no duden en pedir, sugerir y/o exigir (suena un poco rudo jajaja) que les muestre algo que les interese sobre moda.


Hi there fashionistas?! For the next few days I'll be showing you images/ideas so you can create comfy, fashionable and a bit edgy winter looks!! So for those who live in hotter countries, I appologize if you are expecting more spring/summer looks... is just that here, winter just begun... and a friend ask me (It was more a suggestion) that I should post more about winter looks!! So I will try to balance winter with summer! hahaha. Hey as you might see, you can ask, suggest or demand (it sound very tough, but is the idea) me that I should show/post more about something that interest you about fashion. So to carry on with this post...

The Look (hope you like it):
1. Poncho
2. Loose Top or Long Blouse
3. Jeans
4. Biker Boots.



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